27 April 2013


TITLE: Make poster and presentation time

made posters and presented the draft to supervisor.
A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork.

how to creating poster using publisher 2007.
1. Create a New Poster.
  • Open Publisher 2007 and click Banners under Publication Types in the Task Pane. 
  • Scroll down to Blank Sizes in the Banners Workspace Area and double click an image size that closely fits the finished size of your poster. 
2. Adjust the poster size.

  • if you need to adjust the poster size, click change page size in the task pane and change the width or height under page in the right hand column. NOTE: when printing on the halle library plotter one dimention cnnot be larger than 40 inches due to the size of the plotter paper. The oher dimention can be as large as neede. It is not neccesary to set the orientation.
  • click the OK button.

3. save the poster project.

  • Click File →Save As from the menu bar.
  • Select a location to save the poster from the Save in drop down menu.
  • Enter a name in the File name field
  • Select Publisher Files in the Save as type menu.
  • Click the Save button to save as a .pub file.
4. preview the poster.
  • Click File →Save As from the menu bar.
  • Select a location to save the poster from the Save in drop down menu.
  • Select JPEG in the Save as type menu.
  • Click the Save button
  • Locate the JPEG file and open it to view.


Many printing techniques are used to produce posters. While most posters are mass-produced, posters may also be printed by hand or in limited editions. Most posters are printed on one side and left blank on the back, the better for affixing to a wall or other surface. Pin-up sized posters are usually printed on A3 Standard Silk paper in full colour. Upon purchase, most commercially available posters are often rolled up into a cylindrical tube to allow for damage-free transportation. Rolled-up posters can then be flattened under pressure for several hours to regain their original form.

It is possible to use poster creation software to print large posters on standard home or office printers.

14 April 2013


TITLE : Trouble shoot the component.


      Simply put, trouble-shooting is the art and science of getting something to work. If you work in electronics then, at some level, you will be involved in trouble-shooting. If you are a repair-tech, trouble-shooting is the name of the game. If you are a designer, then you will have to "debug" your designs which means trouble-shooting of another sort. Trouble-shooting can be divided into two kinds of situations: repair and development.In repair, you know that the equipment you are trouble-shooting did, at one time, work. Then something happened that made it stop working. Maybe a component failed. Your job is to find out what went wrong and then to fix it.

      In development you are working on prototypes. Either new designs or modifications of existing designs. In such a case, when it doesn't work properly there are three possibilities. First, as in repair, there may be a faulty component. Second, the breadboard or prototype wasn't built according to design. Third, there may be a fault in the design. Usually, there is a combination of all three in an early prototype.

    We'll discuss some basic ideas of trouble-shooting that will apply to all situations. One principle should be stated right here: SAFETY FIRST. Don't do anything that may harm you, others, or the equipment you are working on. Remember that high voltage can cause burns, and a shock across your chest can stop your heart.

  • Look for visual clues on the circuit board. Overloaded parts may show obvious burn marks. A glass fuse will turn dark if it’s blown. Examine the trace side of the board for burn marks, errant solder blobs, and broken traces.
  • Study the schematic and understand the kinds of signals you expect to see from your circuit board. Determine what voltages, frequencies, and waveforms are produced at each point in the board.
  • Turn your oscilloscope on. Connect the ground clip of its probe to a grounding point on the circuit board.
  • Set the oscilloscope to the sweep speed that will best handle the frequencies coming from your circuit. Adjust the voltage range of your scope’s input channel to match what your schematic indicates. Set the channel’s coupling to DC and zero the horizontal trace.
  • Turn your circuit on. Touch the oscilloscope probe tip to the various points you determined in step 1. Work forward in the circuit, from the power supply through any signal generation and amplification points. When you look at the power, observe that the voltage offsets you see on the scope are what the schematic specifies. If any part of the circuit is erratic or dead, the oscilloscope will reveal it quickly.


Troubleshooting a circuit board is a challenging task. The first thing to do when checking out a faulty board is to look it over. You may see a broken wire or missing parts. Next, look at the circuit’s schematic and get an understanding of how it works and what signals you’d expect to see. Power up the circuit and probe it with an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope will reveal what’s working in the circuit and what’s not.


TITLE : Making testing at the circuit and circuit charger circuit charger controller.


A circuit board can contain hundreds, or even thousands of connections. When even one of those connections goes bad, the entire circuit board will stop working. Unfortunately, the only way to test a circuit board is to test the individual connections. You can narrow things down by looking for a bad connection, but you still may have to spend hours testing the circuit board to find the problem.

1.Visually inspect the board. By examining the board and the surface-mounted components, you can identify obviously damaged or disconnected parts before beginning a points test. Look for blown fuses and transistors; both would have brown coloration. Look out for obvious signs of oxidation and corrosion such as rust. Inspect the wires to make sure all of the components are connected.

2.Test the capacitors. A capacitor blocks direct current and allows alternating current to pass. Turn on the power. Discharge the capacitor by touching its leads together. Set the meter to the highest resistance setting. Turn off the power. Probe the capacitor and turn the power back on. If the meter reading is zero, the capacitor is shorted.

3.Test the resistance points. Resistors manage the flow of current through the circuit board. They attenuate the voltage so that it is proportionate to the current. Disconnect the power supply from the circuit board. Follow the signal path on the board so that you can locate the first resistor in the chain. Place your meter probe on the circuit directly after the first resistor. Set your volt meter to the "resistance" setting. Power the board and make a note of the reading. The meter will signal a zero reading if the resistor has shorted or is not connected. A malfunctioning resistor will prevent any signal from passing through. Consult the user's manual to determine the expected voltage. If the meter gives a reading identical or approximate to the expected voltage for the device, move on to the next resistor in the chain.

4.Replace faulty resistors. Use a highlighter pen or masking tape to mark faulty resistors. Unscrew the circuit board and flip it over. Melt the connection with a soldering iron and remove the resistor from the board. Mount a new resistor on the board and solder it from underneath.

5.Retest the resistance points. Repeat the resistor test on the new resistors to ensure they function correctly.


The circuit board is an integral component in electrical devices such as stereos, computers and guitar amplifiers. It's responsible for processing electrical signals and turning them into information. The nature of that information depends on the type of circuit. For example, the circuit board in a guitar amplifier will transform an electrical signal into an audio signal. Faults on the circuit board can cause the electrical device to malfunction or stop working. You can test the points on a board to identify the location of a fault.


TITLE : Install and solder the component in breadboard.


1. Surface preparation.

2. Component Placement.
3. Apply heat.

4. Apply solder to the joint.

5. Inspect the joint and cleanup.


The choice of solder is also important. There several kinds of solder available but only a few are suitables for electronics work. Most importanly, you will only use rosin core solder. Acid core is common in hardware stores and home improvements stores, but meant  for soldering copper plumbing pipes and not electronic circuits. If acid core solder is used on electronics, the acid will destroy the traces on the printed circuit board and erode the component leads. It can also form a conductive layer leading to shorts.


TITLE: Deduct and making the PCB board etching.


1. Making etching pcb board uv.

  • Buy the Printed Circuit Board (pcb) uv at Jalan Pasar. 
  • Cut the pcb using the machine cutter.

pcb board.

2. In the circuit drawing pcb express software. Then, print using film circuit that has peeped that.

Circuit that has peeped on paper film.

3. Pcb that has peeped print using uv panel.
  • Tear off the black protection film on the board.
  •  Attach the circuit artwork on the UV PCB board.
  •  Expose the board in the exposure box for 60 seconds.
3a). Put the acid in the former and  put 5 seed acid. This proses to destroy  the cooper.
  • Immerse the box after completely into developer liquid container.
  • Agitate the board until the circuit can be seen clearly.
  • Rinse and rub the board with water. 


A PCB populated with electronic components is called a printed circuit assembly (PCA) , printed circuit board assembly or PCB Assembly (PCBA). In informal use the term 'PCB' is used both for bare and assembled boards, the context clarifying the meaning.

Alternatives to PCB's include wire wrap and point-to-point construction.PCB 's must initially be designed and laid out, but become cheaper, faster to make, and potentially more reliable for high-volume production since production and soldering of PCB's can be automated. Much of the electronics industry's PCB design,assembly, and quality control needs ae set by standards published by the IPC organizations.


TITLE : Controller charger circuit built on breadboard to test circuit

The best way of them all to connect things together. A circuit may be in minuts. Don't even have to warm up your soldering iron. But it is a general only suitable for temporary circuits.
  • First, prepare items to make the circuit.


  • Assembly the charger circuit at breadboard.
  • Test circuit in function as intended.
  • Finally, identify the problems circuit using multimeter and battery.


Breadboards are used to test circuits. Wires and components are simply pushed into the holes to form a completed circuit and power can be applied. One of the main advantages of using a breadboard is that the components are not soldered and if they are positioned incorrectly they can be moved easily to a new position on the board.

4 April 2013


INTRODUCTION: Soldering a printed circuit board (PCB)


STEP 1: Surface preparation
A clean surface is very important if you want a strong, low resistance solder joint. All surfaces to be soldered should be cleaned well. 3M Scotch Brite pads purchased from the home improvement, industrial supply store or automotive body shop are a good choice as they will quickly remove surface tarnish but will not abrade the PCB material. Note that you will want industrial pads and not the kitchen cleaning pads impregnated with cleaner/soap. If you have particularly tough deposits on your board, then a fine grade of steel wool is acceptable but be very cautious on boards with tight tolerances as the fine steel shavings can lodge between pads and in holes.


STEP 2: Component Placement
After the component and board have been cleaned, you are ready to place the components onto the board. Unless your circuit is simple and only contains a few components, you will probably not be placing all the components onto the board and soldering them at once. Most likely you will be soldering a few components at a time before turning the board over and placing more. In general it is best to start with the smallest and flattest components (resistors, ICs, signal diodes, etc.) and then work up to the larger components (capacitors, power transistors, transformers) after the small parts are done. This keeps the board relatively flat, making it more stable during soldering. It is also best to save sensitive components (MOSFETs, non-socketed ICs) until the end to lessen the chance of damaging them during assembly of the rest of the circuit.

STEP 3: Apply heat.
Apply a very small amount of solder to the tip of the iron. This helps conduct the heat to the component and board, but it is not the solder that will make up the joint. To heat the joint you will lay the tip of the iron so that it rests against both the component lead and the board. It is critical that you heat the lead and the board, otherwise the solder will simply pool and refuse to stick to the unheated item. The small amount of solder you applied to the tip before heating the joint will help make contact between the board and the lead. It normally takes a second or two to get the joint hot enough to solder, but larger components and thicker pads/traces will absorb more heat and can increase this time.

STEP 4: Apply solder to the joint.
Once the component lead and solder pad has heated up, you are ready to apply solder. Touch the tip of the strand of solder to the component lead and solder pad, but not the tip of the iron. If everything is hot enough, the solder should flow freely around the lead and pad. You will see the flux melt liquify as well, bubble around the joint (this is part of its cleaning action), flow out and release smoke. Continue to add solder to the joint until the pad is completely coated and the solder forms a small mound with slightly concave sides. If it starts to ball up, you have used too much solder or the pad on the board is not hot enough.


STEP 5: Inspect the joint and cleanup.
Once the joint is made you should inspect it. Check for cold joints (described a little above and at length below), shorts with adjacent pads or poor flow. If the joint checks out, move on to the next. To trim the lead, use a small set of side cutters and cut at the top of the solder joint.



The choice of solder is also important. There several kinds of solder available but only a few are suitables for electronics work. Most importanly, you will only use rosin core solder. Acid core is common in hardware stores and home improvements stores, but meant  for soldering copper plumbing pipes and not electronic circuits. If acid core solder is used on electronics, the acid will destroy the traces on the printed circuit board and erode the component leads. It can also form a conductive layer leading to shorts.

For most printed circuit board work, a solder with a diameter of 0.75mm to 1.0mm is desirable. Thicker solder may be used and will allow you to solder larger joints more quickly, but will make soldering small joints difficult and increases the likelihood of creating solder bridges between closely spaced PCB pads. An alloy of 60 / 40 (60% tin, 40% lead) is used for most electronics. Large joints, such as soldering a bracket to a chassis using a high wattage soldering gun, will require a separate application of brush on flux and thick diameter solder of several milimeters.


TITLE : Makes holes in the PCB board uv.


At this week, we trying to make a hole at PCB Board by using a drill. After making a hole we check the connection using a multimeter. If the buzzer at the multimeter were not buzzing so that's mean there must be no connection between each other. As you can see the picture below of the this week procedure.
Other than that the component connection to the test to find out the current components in good condition or not.

To measure current with a digital multimeter it is possible to follow a few simple steps:

  • Turn the meter on.
  • Insert the probes into the correct connections - in many meters there are a number of different connections for the probes. Often one labelled common into which the black probe is normally placed. The other probe should be entered into the correct socket for the current measurement to be made. Sometimes there is a special connection for current measurements, and sometimes a separate one for either low or high current measurements. Select the correct one for the current measurement to be made.
  • Set main selector switch on the meter switch to the correct measurement type, (i.e. current) and range for the measurement to be made. When selecting the range, ensure that the maximum range is above the expected reading anticipated. The range on the DMM can then be reduced as necessary. However by selecting a range that is too high, it prevents the meter being overloaded.
  • When the measuring the current, optimise the range for the best reading. If possible enable all the leading digits to not read zero, and in this way the greatest number of significant digits can be read.
  • Once the reading is complete, it is a wise precaution to place the probes into the voltage measurement sockets and turn the range to maximum voltage. In this way if the meter is accidentally connected without thought for the range used, there is little chance of damage to the meter. This may not be true if it left set for a current reading, and the meter is accidentally connected across a high voltage point.





Although it is not as common to measure electrical current as it is to measure voltage, it is nevertheless and important ability to be able to measure current. Also knowing how to measure current to gain the best of the multimeter is also important. It is often necessary to know how to measure current using a multimeter. Current measurements are easy to make, but they are done in a slightly different way to the way in which voltage and other measurements are made. However current measurements often need to be made to find out whether a circuit is operating correctly, or to discover other facts associated with its current consumption.

28 February 2013


TITLE: Making etching pcb board uv.


1.Buy the Printed Circuit Board (pcb) uv at Jalan Pasar.
  • Cut the pcb using the machine cutter.
Pcb Board Uv.


2. In the circuit drawing pcb express software. Then, print using film circuit that has peeped that.

Circuit that has peeped on paper film.

3. Pcb that has peeped print using uv panel.
  • Tear off the black protection film on the board.
  •  Attach the circuit artwork on the UV PCB board.
  •  Expose the board in the exposure box for 60 seconds.


3a). Put the acid in the former and  put 5 seed acid. This proses to destroy  the cooper.
  • Immerse the box after completely into developer liquid container.
  • Agitate the board until the circuit can be seen clearly.
  • Rinse and rub the board with water. 

A PCB populated with electronic components is called a printed circuit assembly (PCA) , printed circuit board assembly or PCB Assembly (PCBA). In informal use the term 'PCB' is used both for bare and assembled boards, the context clarifying the meaning.

Alternatives to PCB's include wire wrap and point-to-point construction.PCB 's must initially be designed and laid out, but become cheaper, faster to make, and potentially more reliable for high-volume production since production and soldering of PCB's can be automated. Much of the electronics industry's PCB design,assembly, and quality control needs ae set by standards published by the IPC organizations.




22 February 2013


TITLE: Buying the electronic shop at Jalan Pasar Pudu Kuala Lumpur.

Jalan Pasar (or Pasar Road) in Pudu, Kuala Lumpur is a well-known street among the electronic enthusiasts especially for those who love to do electronic projects.
Today there are still some electronic shops available along this Pasar Road  though it seems most of them do not really devote in selling only the electronics components (i.e; resistors, capacitors, LEDs, IC aka Integrated Circuits) and electronic tools like soldering irons, solder suckers, digital and analog multimeters and so on.

Darson Electronics - One of the electronics shops at Jalan Pasar, KL.

Another electronic shop at this street.


Here at Jalan Pasar, the electronic shops there are also selling the audio system especially for the cars, PA system and alarm system. Apart from that item, CCTV cameras also among the popular products in this area.

If you are interested to buy the electronic components your choices are going to one of these shops below; all located at Jalan Pasar, Pudu, KL
1. Melectron Sdn Bhd, No. 40
Tel No: 03-21424748
2. MEGNUMTRONIC Sdn Bhd, No. 33
Tel No: 03-92226299
3. Standwell Trading, No. 32
Tel No: 03-9221 9179

Actually the Megnumtronics is also under the same umbrella with Melectron. Melectron is really serious about their business as they also have online (internet) presence.
To view what Melectron have to offer for you, just surf their Malaysia Electronic shop website. Now you know that the electronic shops at Jalan Pasar are still existed and they waiting for you if your needs are there.


TITLE : Gong Xi Fa Chai and semester break.

12 February 2013


TITLE : Meeting the supervisor.


In the second week, we meet our supervisor, Sir Ahmad Zaki Bin Abdul Karim to discuss and guide us about our fyp project. He ask us to simulate the project is function or not. After that, he asked to do blog because it easier to upload and it simple. Therefore that,making a bolg also have a competition who make the blog most creative,interesting and simple to understand. 


After discussing and understanding the Solar USB Circuit, we have decided to do this project quickly so as not to confused with the report when it has been peeped doing this project.